Amaral & Cia Consulting is made up of a team of highly-experienced customs brokers and entry writers.
Custom Brokerage - Amaral & Cia Consulting
Full customs brokerage service
When your business relies on imported goods, you need to work with a shipping services company that can get your merchandise through customs in a timely manner. Amaral & Cia Consulting is made up of a team of highly-experienced customs brokers and entry writers. Our brokers are licensed through the Brazilian Customs and Border Protection agency, such as ANVISA, MAPA, CNEN and are well-versed in tariff and custom laws, allowing them to foresee and avoid potential obstacles to customs clearance.
Working with a customs broker is the best way to ensure that your goods are successfully imported and that you are not overcharged in duties or taxes.
Customs Brokerage Services We Offer Include:
Interagency Liaison: Depending on the goods you are importing, you may need government clearance from agencies such as ANVISA, the Department of Agriculture, or the Fish and Wildlife Service. Our customs clearing agents communicate with the necessary agencies to ensure your merchandise meets all rules and regulations before entering the country.
Remote Location Filing: Our brokers have the national permits necessary to qualify for remote location filing, which means we can file data on certain types of merchandise from any location, regardless of the imported goods’ port of entry. This helps us streamline the shipping process for many of our clients.
Importer documents Filing: If you are shipping international ocean cargo, you are subject to Importer Security Filing rules. This means that at least 24 hours before your goods are loaded onto an ocean vessel in a foreign port, you must submit ten specific data elements, and the carrier must submit an additional two. At Amaral & Cia Consulting, we have ample experience in filing, and we will ensure that the required information gets to Customs and Border Protection agency on time.
Binding Rulings: When you seek a binding classification ruling, you’re trying to guarantee that your goods will be ruled as a specific tariff classification. This means that the same duty rates will always apply to your goods, no matter what port of entry you use. Not only does this help bring peace of mind, it also makes it easier to determine long-term costs. Our experienced agents can help you through this often complicated process.
Duty Drawbacks: If merchandise that you import is subsequently exported, it’s possible to get a refund on the duties you paid. Don’t miss out on this substantial money-saving opportunity: have a broker complete the required paperwork to get an accelerated refund.
How can AMARAL & CIA help your company ?
Once you try our services, we are confident you will be pleased. Our team has over 75 years of combined experience in customs clearance, and we’re able to streamline the international shipping process while keeping you informed every step of the way.